Mountain Manor Treatment Center—Baltimore: Manual for a Short-Term Residential Treatment Program for Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
Authors: Clemmey, P.; Payne, L.; Adger, H.; & Fishman, M.
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Author Contact Information:
Dr. Marc Fishman
Mountain Manor Treatment Center (MMTC) in Baltimore, Maryland, offers a full continuum of services for adolescents with substance use and co-occurring psychiatric disorders, including short-term residential, day treatment (partial hospital), intensive outpatient, and outpatient levels of care. This manual focuses on the MMTC short-term adolescent residential treatment program. This program utilizes a strategy of centralized linkage, linking core treatment components with several key adjunctive interventions (including psychiatric services, primary medical care, educational assessment and onsite school, family therapy, and conduct/legal remediation) to address impairment in multiple psychosocial domains. The manual provides treatment professionals with a model for short-term residential care that has shown promise in treating high-severity adolescent substance abusers with multiple comorbidities.
The following information is included in the manual:
- Core treatment components
- Special services components
- Primary medical care services
- Psychiatric treatment and evaluation
- Educational/cognitive assessment and remediation
- Legal/conduct rehabilitation
- Family support services
- Young adults program
- Assessment and treatment planning
- Level system
- Supervision and staff training
- Administrative infrastructure
58 PAGES 2003