Godley, S. H., J., Smith, J. E., Meyers, R. J., & Godley, M. D. (2016)
Author Contact Information:
Dr. Mark Godley
For information on training and certification, visit the A-CRA/ACC website.
The Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach: A Clinical Guide to Treating Substance Use Disorders (Available for purchase only on Amazon.)
- Outlines all of the individual procedures for adolescents, transition age youth, and their families
- Uses an individual, flexible, behavioral approach
- Provides detailed instruction on how to help the client learn more effective coping skills
- This updated version includes:
- Chapters on Couples Relationship Skills, Medication Adherence and Monitoring, Sobriety Sampling, and Systematic Encouragement (procedures that have evolved to be part of the A-CRA training and certification, but were not previously included in the treatment manual)
- Expanded procedure examples
- Detailed instructions for each procedure which map directly on to the therapist fidelity coding manual (Smith, Lundy, & Gianini, 2007)
- Guidance on how to adapt several A-CRA procedures for group sessions
- Information about the implementation of A-CRA in various settings, with different cultures and groups, with clients who have co-occurring mental health or criminal justice problems

The soft-cover manual and e-book version are available for purchase on Amazon. All proceeds from the sale of the manual will support research and training at Chestnut Health Systems to improve treatment outcomes for adolescents with substance use disorders.
The links below are translations of the 2001 version of the A-CRA manual and have not yet been updated to match the 2016 version. They are free to download.
Dutch version of the A-CRA manual
French version of the A-CRA manual
Portuguese version of the A-CRA manual
Spanish version of the A-CRA manual